OFFICIAL NAME: Republic of Bulgaria
TERRITORY: 111 000 square km.
GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: South-eastern Europe in the north-eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula. To the North it borders with Rumania; to the West, with Republic of Macedonia and Yugoslavia; to the East, with the Black Sea and to the South, with Greece and Turkey
CAPITAL: Sofia ( 1 141 000 inhabitants)
POPULATION: 8 428 006 inhabitants
RELIGION: 86,6% East-Orthodox Christianity; 13 % muslims. The Bulgarian Church is autonomous and it is ruled by the Patriarch
ALPHABET: Cyrillic
GOVERNMENT: Parliamentary Republic
MAIN CITIES: Plovdiv, Varna, Burgas, Ruse
January 1st : New Year
March 3rd : Day of the Liberation from the Ottoman domination
Easter: Two days - Sunday and Mondays as determined for the respective year for celebrating Pascha (East-Orthodox Easter is usually one week after the Catholic one)
May 1st : International Labour Day
May 6th : St. George’s Day
May 24th : Day of the Bulgarian Culture and Slavonic Letters
September 6th : Bulgaria’s unification- National Holiday
September 22nd : Bulgaria’s independence
December 25th and 26th : Nativity of Christ
CLIMATE: Temperate continental climate with four seasons. In the south an impact of the Mediterranean climate is felt. The average annual air temperature is 10.5єC (51 F). In January the average temperature is 0єC. In summer seldom is over 30єC.
RELIEF: With variety of natural forms: the mountains occupy half of this country’s territory. Mountains and valleys reach the level of the Black Sea Coast.